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TaiAnShi TaiShanOu JiangWei grinding factory

Company Profile
Founded in 2002 JiangWei taishan grinding factory is a professional production RuanMo diamond, ground, diamond mill, resin polishing series of diamond tool professional manufacturers. Product types and specifications, there have been dozens of specially designed, stone, glass, ceramics, waist line burnish and polishing.
Product categories: RuanMo diamond, land, resin, diamond mill, resin, polishing, engaged in the mill of stone tools matching.
Main specifications: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 inches.
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Contact Us
Company: TaiAnShi TaiShanOu JiangWei grinding factory
Contact: Ms. hui zhen
Address: TaiAnShi TaiShanOu XuJiaLou industrial park
Postcode: 271000
Tel: 86 13205387934
Fax: 86 0538 6219355


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Tel : 86 13205387934 Fax : 86 0538 6219355
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